Saturday, November 20, 2010

Entry 1: An Introduction

Hello, and welcome to my Weblogue.
Now I know what you're thinking... "But Dan, why do you have a blog now? Do you even have anything worth saying? Also, what's with the name? Are you retarded?"
Well, I'm going to ignore most of your questions (especially that retard comment, you big meanie) and focus on the name thing.
"This Fucking Spaceship!" was a line from a letter  I wrote and never gave to my then girlfriend. We were in an extremely unstable relationship, and she was going away to visit her ex, which history had already proven to be a baaaad idea. She wanted me to write her something so she would be reminded of me and what we were to each other. I tried, but I was pretty fed up with the whole thing by this point, so it turned into a rant about human nature and where it was taking this planet. I had been reading Helter Skelter at the time, along with many quotations by Charles Manson that I'd found on the internet, and one such quotation compared the world to a spaceship. I referenced this somewhere in my letter. After re-reading my work, I realized this clearly wasn't the love letter I'd intended to write, and I never gave it to her. It was pretty clear to me at this point that I had to end it.
A couple years later, me and my friend Seth started a band called Japanese Economy Cars with minimal success. We played two shows, wrote a lot of songs, and most importantly, had some good ass times.
At some point I found that old letter in one of my school binders, and we decided to make a song of it... well, less a song, more a noise-splosion. I screamed the words of my letter into a microphone while Seth soloed the shit out of the drums. We recorded it, and when playing it back, we both heard the drums die down just as I screamed "THIS FUCKING SPACESHIP!" at the top of my lungs. We laughed our asses off, and I'll never forget how stupid it sounded out loud.

So that is the origin of the title, but forget that for a minute.

Marooned in space... this has kind of become a metaphor for my life and the vast distance between what's in my mind, and the real world, and the great difficulty I have getting messages from my mind to the real world. I'm a pretty quiet person, and I spend a lot more time inside my head than I do in reality. Frequently I can't relate to the people around me, and it takes a whole lot for me to get to know most people. I'm awkward as fuck, but I've gotten very used to it. This fucking spaceship is my head, and these entries will primarily chronicle the occurrences therein. I'll try not to make it too boring or emo, but I make no promises. If you don't want to follow, don't follow... but I warn you now: You'll be missing out on links to funny comics that I'll be posting in every entry, starting NOW!

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