Saturday, January 15, 2011

Entry 7: Future

I just wanted to put these two things next to each other. For those of you that don't know, Radiohead is kind of a big deal for me, and Paranoid Android is where that all started. As for Apogee, I don't listen to a lot of Jpop, but Apogee I like. I watched this video, and I gotta say, after the first twenty seconds, all I could think was "this is basically Paranoid Android through Japan-o-vision."
Don't think for a second that that's not a compliment.

Haven't posted in a while... I've been pretty ill, but I'm getting back to normal.

Lately I've been putting some serious thought into going back to school... if you know me well, you know that I say this all the time... I get caught up in the daily grind though, and I know it's a shit excuse, but there it is.
Anyways, this time around I'm actually holding myself back because of uncertainty... I've got to do some serious thinking.

I've been listening to the entire Adam Green discography again... I don't know what it is, but I can't stop singing along. I really don't think enough people listen to Adam Green... I know profanity and gibberish aren't for everyone, but I swear to god, there's so much meaning in there somewhere!
As Salvador Dali said, "just because I don't know the meaning of my art, does not mean it has no meaning."
I don't tend to keep up to date with musicians I like... I just found out a month ago that the Flaming Lips put something out after At War With the Mystics... yeah, two albums! So it also took me this long to check out the music videos from Adam Green's Minor Love.

Okay, I can't tell you how happy this video makes me! I just love all the awkward stares. This must have been so fun to make, and I only wish I could've done it.

Lol artz!
There are two or three more from Minor Love, but these are my favorites. I highly recommend checking out his earlier albums too... while I do like the newer albums, the older stuff is still some of my favorite.
If you're gonna start anywhere, you should probably start here:

Well, now I'm just spamming videos, so I should probably end this before I make a top 10 list of youtube poops.
Peace and Love


  1. oh man. Buddy Bradly is one of my favorite Adam Green videos. Jessica was the first Adam Green song i heard/saw. It was on The Wedge, and my friends and I were like "WTF?"

  2. Yeah, I think my first exposure to Adam Green was either Jessica, or Bluebirds. I think the main reason I checked him out though was because you told me the first few lines of Carolina.

  3. I like how you say on the last video to "start here:".... a little late, since I watched the first 2 Adam Green videos first... Oh well! I'd never really listened to him before, and the video with the awkward stares definitely made me think of you. He has an almost Dan-ish style of awkward.
