Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story)

Okay, so I said no particular order, but there's totally a reason this game comes first. Cave Story is amazing beyond measure! In fact, it's so good there's a WiiWare port of it. I won't do a full scale review, but I will say it's a badass metroidvania game with a cool story, RPG elements, tons of replay value, and music that will not disappoint. When you first start up the game, you will probably find the physics a little floaty and weird, but once you get used to it, the payoff is so worth it. If on your run through, you pick up the machine gun, I guarantee you will have fun with this game.
Here's the Cave Story Tribute Site, or you can go ahead and skip right to the download page.
Noitu Love (and the army of grinning darns)

This one is a pretty zany title, and it's another super fun one. I haven't gotten very far in it, but not for lack of trying. This game is somewhat challenging, but the truth of the matter is that I'm not that good at games. Whatever the case, this game has some unique and epic boss battles, and I highly suggest you try it for yourself.
Additionally, if you do find yourself really enjoying this, I suggest you take a look at Noitu Love 2. This one actually costs money, so I haven't tried it, but I do plan to. Expect more fucking nuts boss fights and some of the best side scroller action mechanics on the PC. Check this shit out:
So here's the Creator's Website, and here are the pages for Noitu Love and Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Legend of Princess

While we're talking about games by Konjak, I can't ignore this one. It's Zelda, arcade side scroller style! 'nuf said! Stop readin' my shit and play this game!

Yes, that is spelled capital i, j, i. So when I said earlier that Cave Story deserved to be first on the list, well it was a tough call between these two, and it's really for a lot of the same reasons. This game has a dark, rather involved story, and some really kickass dialogue. RPG elements are present, and it has a leveling mechanic that really gives you great control over your stat progression. Many of the choices you make in this game will have subtle effects on the story, making this an exceedingly replayable game. You'll go crazy trying to unlock every single thing, and I fucking dare you to try a pacifist run. My only gripe with this game is the artwork in the cutscenes. I feel it could've looked a lot better, but honestly, it's really hard to complain about anything when you're listening to this.
Btw, those are all worth listening to all the way through.
Oh, also this:
This is an incredible game and I beg you to go here and get it!
Well, that's enough of that... I'll probably do another list of games at a later date, but I know not everyone wants to know what I'm playing right now, so I'll give it a rest for a while.
In other news, work has been great! It's been hella slow because of the snow, so I've actually been talking a lot more at work and getting to know my co-workers. My bosses still think I'm a fucking hermit, but that just goes to show how heedless they are of me.
Don't care, gonna go over here and fish for the attention of someone worth my time.
Alright, enough of that, I'm tired! This takes too long...
oh, almost forgot... funnycomiccominATCHAAA!
Nice! I'm totally gonna try these. this game is also pretty fun.