Honestly, I'll be the first to admit that my brain is not up to code... there's just something about the way that I think, or perhaps even something aberrant to the very design of the organ I use to think, and it manages to convolute something as simple as sleep. You can't imagine how frustrating it is to have no control over your mind when it comes to something so basic. I know there are worse problems, but this just really gets to me.
Enclosed is a picture of the sweet, sweet drugs I currently have on hand for dealing with insomniAttacks.

Not pictured is an herbal tea that doesn't work.
Some of these seem to work alright, but I hate to be dependent on anything... I think I'm going to learn to meditate so I can just shut my brain off when I need to. It would be good for me to get a little control back.
A friend of mine recently made this, and I think you guys should check it out:
As a fan of both Bleach and Metric... and also as someone who can't get over how rad this song is, I gotta say I think it's fantastic. Obvious biases aside, I'm still impressed.
So I'm ending my routine of early morning webcomics/youtube videos in favor of actually reading the news. I feel I'm pretty uninformed, since as it stands, my greatest source of news is Erin's wall posts. :P
Don't get me wrong, I'm subscribed to several channels on Youtube with a political slant to them, so I have a vague idea of what's going on in the world, and I know a lot of relevant jokes, but that's simply no substitute for actual awareness.
Well, now that I've downplayed quasi-political youtubers so much, here's a video by Cody Weber about what John McCain thinks of immigrants and gay people in the military.
This is the last in a series of videos on the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. I wouldn't say these rants are particularly eye opening or anything, and the whole thing is essentially for the lulz, but the guy can be clever and I find myself entertained. I'll link the other videos here and here.
Alright, I'm gonna call it a night. Here's a funny comic. I don't know why I keep posting these, since I link like, 3 comics in the average post anyway.
Lazy, Patrick Swayze!
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